Melanie Kleine

Senior Environmental Consultant

Melanie attained a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Forensics from the University of Technology Sydney. She has strong experience in environmental site management with a dedication to expanding subject knowledge and workplace competencies through continuing research/training and she willingly assumes extra responsibility to ensure optimal and timely project execution.

Melanie is proficient in technical document writing and has excellent communication and interpersonal skills. With extensive experience and understanding of NSW legislation and policies as well as practical, in-depth comprehension of the Blue Book, Melanie is dedicated to delivering innovative thinking and exceptional client service.

Melanie Kleine

Connect with Melanie on LinkedIn.

grey finance

ERSED management

grey environmental assessment

Project approvals

grey projectmngt

Environmental protection

grey biodiversity natural resource management

Licence compliance and reporting

grey natural resources

Environmental incident investigation

grey finance

Environmental inspections, monitoring and sampling


Bachelor of Science in Environmental Forensics, University of Technology Sydney

Graduate Certificate in GIS and Remote Sensing, Charles Sturt University

federation university

Master of Urban Planning and Environment, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University

tafe nsw

Infrastructure Sustainability Accredited Professional (ISAP)

tafe nsw

Exemplar Global Lead Environmental Auditor 2022 (No. 115421)

blue micro checkered classic shirt

Capability Statement