WolfPeak First Carbon Footprint
Caring for the environment and considering sustainability in the way we operate has always been a core part of the WolfPeak way. However, we hadn’t formalised our approach or set goals for how we wanted to manage our impact. In late 2022, we kicked off this process, starting with our measuring our baseline carbon footprint. This is a great place to start as it provides the evidence to inform decisions and gives confidence that you are focusing on the right things, rather than diving straight into setting targets and developing a strategy.

WolfPeak’s team of inhouse carbon accounting experts led the development of the baseline carbon footprint, along with key members of the operations and finance team. Collaboration is key to developing a carbon footprint and the more people that can understand and be involved in the process, the easier and more effective it will be to implement changes.
We learnt a number of things by going through the process of measuring our first carbon footprint that we hope can help other businesses take their first steps on the sustainability pathway.
1. The first year is the hardest.
Completing your first carbon footprint is the hardest one but we promise it gets easier from there! It will test your systems and processes and identify areas where they aren’t set up to collect the information that you need, but this is also an opportunity. Following our baseline carbon footprint, we updated our expensing and invoicing system to include better categorisation. This made the lives of our finance team a lot easier but it also made completing our second carbon footprint quicker because we could generate reports using categories specific to the carbon footprint rather than going through individual invoices.
2. Your biggest impacts are not always what you think.
Going into this process, businesses tend to have a sense of what their largest emissions sources will be but are often surprised when they see the final results and WolfPeak was no different! Our projects require us to travel a lot so we thought emissions from our vehicles would be the largest. However we were surprised that emissions from our employees working from home was our third largest source and equal to emissions from commuting to the office. As we transition back to more people working from the office, we are interested to see how this impacts our emissions and may influence how we manage our workforce in the future.
3. Beneficial internal and external tool.
A company’s carbon footprint is a beneficial tool to improve your environmental performance, resulting in several internal benefits to the company such as cost savings. Since completing our baseline carbon footprint, we have used this work in a number of other situations. The majority of tender submissions require businesses to outline how they are managing their environmental impacts and our carbon footprint demonstrates this. We are also completing our BCorp certification and getting our management systems ISO-certified, and our carbon footprint is a key aspect in meeting some of the certification criteria. We are currently completing our second carbon footprint for the 2023 financial year and are looking forward to seeing how our results compare to our baseline.
2024 / 2025 Update!
WolfPeak are officially ISO certified for Quality, Environmental and OH&S quality systems and are well on the way to being BCorp certified. The team have been working hard to make sure our business is able to make both a big impact with our clients and a minimal impact to the environment around us as we carry out our daily projects and services.
Our experience, insights and relationships mean we get the job done with a minimum of fuss.
WolfPeak are a choice team to work with. Led by Tim Stubbs, the team successfully won a bid for us to undertake a large re-development project for a community hub. WolfPeak continues to perform like champions, providing us leadership tact as we work together on rebuilding a strong foundation for the Mogo Local Aboriginal Land Council after the bushfires.