Reconstruction of the Mogo LALC Office

Having developed a successful business case for funding to rebuild the Mogo Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) facilities, WolfPeak was tasked with planning and project management for delivery.

Mogo office front
Mogo office launch - Tim and Sean near water feature
Mogo office launch - Tim speech_med


Once approved, we worked closely with the Mogo LALC to provide planning and project management services to construct an office, gallery and cafe. 

This involved identifying and finalising the building design, before working through the complexities of planning approvals as well as government requirements around grants and reporting. 

This has been a fantastic experience with the project gaining its Development Approval and Construction Certificate with construction planned to start in mid-2023. The project was also able to obtain additional funding to address the rising costs of construction.


Reconstruction of the Mogo LALC Office


Mogo Aboriginal Land Council


Business Case Writing, Approvals and Project Management


Aboriginal Organisation


2021 - 2024

Our experience, insights and relationships mean we get the job done with a minimum of fuss.


WolfPeak are a choice team to work with. Led by Tim Stubbs, the team successfully won a bid for us to undertake a large re-development project for a community hub. WolfPeak continues to perform like champions, providing us leadership tact as we work together on rebuilding a strong foundation for the Mogo Local Aboriginal Land Council after the bushfires.
Tim Stevenson
NSW Aboriginal Land Council


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