Port of Eden Cruise Tourism Capacity Assessment

WolfPeak conducted a tourism capacity assessment to determine the infrastructure requirements for Eden and the Bega Valley to accommodate a modification proposal to the Eden Cruise Wharf. The modification would allow the visitation of larger cruise ships and other vessels to the Port of Eden.

Port of Eden Cruise Tourism Capacity Assessment
Port of Eden Cruise Tourism Capacity Assessment
Port of Eden Cruise Tourism Capacity Assessment


The assessment included desktop research on industry benchmarks for the provision of cruise infrastructure, case studies of similar sized ports to compare with Eden, and consultation with over 20 local and regional industry stakeholders that are responsible for cruise-related amenities and infrastructure in Eden. 

Using the data gathered and outcomes from the consultation, the capacity of key infrastructure and services required to support cruise tourism was assessed under the modification’s two scenarios – larger ships and more frequent ships. This was presented in an assessment matrix which clearly illustrated which infrastructure and services are most at risk under each scenario. 

Based on the outcomes of the capacity assessment, four recommendations were proposed to help build the capacity of Eden and the Bega Valley region to support the proposed modification.


Port of Eden Cruise Assessment


NSW Port Authority


Lead Consultant




6 months, 2022-2023

Our experience, insights and relationships mean we get the job done with a minimum of fuss.


WolfPeak are a choice team to work with. Led by Tim Stubbs, the team successfully won a bid for us to undertake a large re-development project for a community hub. WolfPeak continues to perform like champions, providing us leadership tact as we work together on rebuilding a strong foundation for the Mogo Local Aboriginal Land Council after the bushfires.
Tim Stevenson
NSW Aboriginal Land Council


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