MidCoast Council Bridge Replacements
WolfPeak was engaged to prepare ecological assessments for the replacement of three timber bridges in MidCoast Council LGA at Tiri, Cedar Party and Caparra.
WolfPeak carried out flora and fauna surveys and prepared ecological impact assessments which included recommendations to minimise impacts on flora and fauna.
Timber bridges can often provide roosting habitat for threatened microbat species. Part of our study involved inspecting the underside of the bridges with a torch to determine if any microbats were present. We found that the bridges did contain some potential roost sites but no bats were found. We also surveyed aquatic habitat around the bridges and assessed the suitability for the Purple-spotted Gudgeon which is a threatened fish species.
MidCoast Council Bridge Replacements
MidCoast Council
Ecological Assessments
May-July 2021
Our experience, insights and relationships mean we get the job done with a minimum of fuss.
WolfPeak are a choice team to work with. Led by Tim Stubbs, the team successfully won a bid for us to undertake a large re-development project for a community hub. WolfPeak continues to perform like champions, providing us leadership tact as we work together on rebuilding a strong foundation for the Mogo Local Aboriginal Land Council after the bushfires.