Eden and Moree LALC Activation
In partnership with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure – Closing the Gap Coordination and Delivery Taskforce (DPHI CtG), and the Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC), WolfPeak coordinated a Land Activation project in Eden and Moree.
WolfPeak were engaged to design, facilitate and document a process that enables conversations about the land in Eden and Moree under Aboriginal ownership or Native Title.
The Project sought to define a vision for the short-, medium- and long-term growth and prosperity of the Eden area and ensure that Aboriginal community aspirations are a key part of this. At the core of WolfPeak’s involvement in Aboriginal affairs is the belief that self-determination of Aboriginal people is critical to improving outcomes at the system, service and family levels.
To uncover the best approach, WolfPeak staff undertook scoping of political limitations, site visits to all land of interest in Moree and Eden, extensive stakeholder engagement and facilitated collaborative workshops to establish a meaningful direction.
The project ultimately created a ‘Land Activation Roadmap’ to provide the community with a valued product from the DPE CtG that supports ongoing engagement on these otherwise unoccupied lands. The Land Activation Roadmap outlines the pathway forward for the Local Aboriginal Land Councils and the Native Title Groups to ‘activate’ their lands by way of establishing a culturally sensitive strategic use for them that aligns with the desires of the community.
Eden and Moree LALC Activation
NSW Department of Planning and Environment
Lead Consultants
6 months, 2023
Our experience, insights and relationships mean we get the job done with a minimum of fuss.
WolfPeak are a choice team to work with. Led by Tim Stubbs, the team successfully won a bid for us to undertake a large re-development project for a community hub. WolfPeak continues to perform like champions, providing us leadership tact as we work together on rebuilding a strong foundation for the Mogo Local Aboriginal Land Council after the bushfires.