Chaelundi National Park Fencing and Dam Removal Project
NPWS CCA has developed a long-range management program to replace damaged infrastructure and reduce cattle impacts in Chaelundi NP. Part of this program is to install approximately 34km of fencing. Additionally, 8 dams and internal fencing that has been used by livestock owners to continue to graze cattle within the Park will be removed. READ […]
Environmental Assessments & Planning Approvals
We get things built.
Bongil Bongil National Park Fire Access and Fire Trail (FAFT) Upgrades
National Parks and Wildlife Service are in the process delivering a park specific fire trail network that is compliant with the FAFT Plan adopted under the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 (RF Act), and the relevant NSW Fire Trail Standards. The FAFT plan for Bongil Bongil involved the upgrade of 2.7km of Strategic fire trail […]
MidCoast Council Landslip Remediation Works
In March 2021 the Midcoast Council Local Government Agency (LGA) suffered significant damage to local infrastructure as a result of severe wet weather and flooding. The works proposed are being procured in accordance with the NSW Natural Disaster Essential Public Asset Restoration Guidelines (2018). READ CASE STUDY GOALS WolfPeak were engaged to undertake 23 environmental […]
Sydney Light Rail
WolfPeak fulfilled the role of Environment and Planning Manager within the TfNSW Sydney Light Rail Delivery Office (SLRDO) Environmental team, providing environmental support and subject matter expertise to the TfNSW project team and wider Sydney Light Rail (SLR) Project. READ CASE STUDY GOALS WolfPeak was integral to the management and monitoring of environmental compliance during […]