How WolfPeak can help protect threatened species under the EPBC Act.
WolfPeak’s expertise in environmental and sustainability consulting make us well-positioned to play a pivotal role in protecting threatened species, habitats and communities under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act. As Australia faces increasing environmental challenges, WolfPeak can provide vital support to clients, government agencies, and communities in navigating the complexities of the EPBC Act […]
The Vital Role of Wetlands
World Wetlands Day is an excellent time to recognise one of the unsung heroes of the Earth – wetlands. Wetlands are among the most productive and biologically diverse ecosystems on the planet. They serve many important ecological functions, filtering pollutants and improving water quality. They also act as critical buffers against floods, absorbing excess rainfall […]
WolfPeak Is Helping Save Critically Endangered Shorebirds
WolfPeak is helping the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service save threatened shorebird species. Australia’s Eastern Curlew is fighting a battle for survival. The world’s largest shorebird begins life in Russia and north-eastern China, then embarks on an annual summer migration to warm southern feeding grounds. One of those feeding grounds is Pelican Island, located […]
Employee Spotlight: Protecting Threatened Species with Biodiversity Specialist William Steggall
William SteggallPractice Lead — Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management William Steggall is saving the planet one threatened plant species at a time. That’s part of his job as Practice Lead of Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management at WolfPeak, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. As a highly regarded ecologist with more than 15 […]
Biodiversity in Your Backyard
It is now more important than ever to increase our local biodiversity, and what better place to start than in your own backyard! The recent State of the Environment Report has revealed some worrying trends in biodiversity loss, as well as highlighting that there are now more introduced species than native species in Australia. Habitat […]
Animal research authority approval from DPI & scientific licence from NPWS.
WolfPeak are very excited to announce that we have recently obtained Animal Research Authority approval from DPI and a Scientific Licence from NPWS.